- Cuddington, K., & McAuliffe, W. H. (2023). Optimizing rabies vaccination of dogs in India. medRxiv, 2023-04.
- Cuddington, K., Abbott, K. C., Adler, F. R., Aydeniz, M., Dale, R., Gross, L. J., ... & White, E. R. (2023). Challenges and opportunities to build quantitative self-confidence in biologists. BioScience, 73(5), 364-375.
- Bowen, K. L., Currie, W. J., Niblock, H., Ward, C. L., Metcalfe, B., Cuddington, K. M. D., ... & Koops, M. A. (2022). Importance of long-term intensive monitoring programs for understanding multiple drivers influencing Lake Ontario zooplankton communities. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 48(3), 717-733.
- Brook, M. E., Cuddington, K., & Koops, M. A. (2023). Predicting the age at maturity of Asian carp using air temperature. Ecology of Freshwater Fish.
- Cuddington, K., Sobek-Swant, S., Drake, J., Lee, W., & Brook, M. (2022). Risks of giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) range increase in North America. Biological Invasions, 24, 299–314.
- Abbott, K. C., Cuddington, K., & Hastings, A. (2021). Transients in ecology: stochasticity, management, and understanding. Theoretical Ecology, 14, 623-624.
- Castañeda, R. A., Ackerman, J. D., Chapman, L. J., Cooke, S. J., Cuddington, K., Dextrase, A. J., ... & Drake, D. A. R. (2021). Approaches and research needs for advancing the protection and recovery of imperilled freshwater fishes and mussels in Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 78(9), 1356-1370.
- Francis, T. B., Abbott, K. C., Cuddington, K., Gellner, G., Hastings, A., Lai, Y. C., ... & Zeeman, M. L. (2021). Management implications of long transients in ecological systems. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 5(3), 285-294.
- Hastings, A., Abbott, K. C., Cuddington, K., Francis, T. B., Lai, Y. C., Morozov, A., ... & Zeeman, M. L. (2021). Effects of stochasticity on the length and behaviour of ecological transients. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 18(180), 20210257.
- Rosencranz, J., Cuddington, K., Brook, M., Koops, M. A., & Drake, D. A. (2021). Data-limited models to predict river temperatures for aquatic species at risk. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 78(9), 1268-1277.
- Barton, P. S., Westgate, M. J., Foster, C. N., Cuddington, K., Hastings, A., O'Loughlin, L. S., ... & Lindenmayer, D. B. (2020). Using ecological niche theory to avoid uninformative biodiversity surrogates. Ecological Indicators, 108, 105692.
- Laubmeier, A. N., Cazelles, B., Cuddington, K., Erickson, K. D., Fortin, M. J., Ogle, K., ... & Zipkin, E. F. (2020). Ecological dynamics: Integrating empirical, statistical, and analytical methods. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 35(12), 1090-1099.
- Morozov, A., Abbott, K., Cuddington, K., Francis, T., Gellner, G., Hastings, A., ... & Zeeman, M. L. (2020). Long transients in ecology: Theory and applications. Physics of Life Reviews, 32, 1-40.
- Bell, L., & Cuddington, K. (2019). A burrowing ecosystem engineer positively affects its microbial prey under stressful conditions. Ecology and evolution, 9(13), 7704.
- Bennett, A. E., Preedy, K., Golubski, A., Umbanhowar, J., Borrett, S. R., Byrne, L., ... & Cuddington, K. (2019). Beyond the black box: promoting mathematical collaborations for elucidating interactions in soil ecology. Ecosphere, 10(7), e02799.
- Cuddington, K., Sobek-Swant, S., Crosthwaite, J. C., Lyons, D. B., & Sinclair, B. J. (2018). Probability of emerald ash borer impact for Canadian cities and North America: a mechanistic model. Biological invasions, 20(9), 2661-2677.
- Hastings, A., Abbott, K. C., Cuddington, K., Francis, T., Gellner, G., Lai, Y. C., ... & Zeeman, M. L. (2018). Transient phenomena in ecology. Science, 361(6406), eaat6412.
- O’Loughlin, L. S., Lindenmayer, D. B., Smith, M. D., Willig, M. R., Knapp, A. K., Cuddington, K., ... & Barton, P. S. (2018). Surrogates underpin ecological understanding and practice. Bioscience, 68(9), 640-642.
- Cuddington, K., and A. Hastings. (2016) Autocorrelated environmental variation and the establishment of invasive species Oikos 125:1027-1034
- Cuddington, K., Hull, Z.T., Currie, W. and M. Koops. (2015) Landmarking and strong Allee thresholds Theoretical Ecology 8:333-347
- Cuddington, K. Currie, W. and M. Koops. (2014) Could an Asian carp population establish in the Great Lakes from a small introduction? Biological Invasions 16:903-917
- Cuddington, K., Fortin, M. J., Gerber, L. R., Hastings, A., Liebhold, A., O'Connor, M., and C. Ray. (2013) Process-based models are required to manage ecological systems in a changing world. Ecosphere 4: art20.
- Cuddington, K. (2012) Legacy effects: The persistent impact of ecological interactions. Biological Theory 6:203-210.
- Reynolds, P., and K. Cuddington. (2012) Effects of plant gross morphology on predator consumption rates. Environmental Entomology 41:508-515.
- Reynolds, P., and K. Cuddington. (2012) Effects of plant gross morphology on predator searching behaviour. Environmental Entomology 41:516-522.
- Sobek-Swant, S., Kluzab, D., Cuddington, K., and B. Lyons. (2012) Potential distribution of emerald ash borer: What can we learn from ecological niche models using Maxent and GARP? Forest Ecology and Management 281:23-31.
- Vermunt, B., Cuddington, K., Sobek-Swant, S., and J. Crosthwaite. (2012) Cold temperature and emerald ash borer: Modelling the under-bark temperature of ash trees in Ontario. Ecological Modelling 235-236: 19-25.
- Vermunt, B., Cuddington, K., Sobek-Swant, S., Crosthwaite, J., Lyons, B., and B. Sinclair. (2012) Temperatures experienced by wood-boring beetles in the under-bark microclimate. Forest Ecology and Management 269: 149–157
- Buchman, N., and Cuddington, K. (2009) Influences of pea morphology and interacting factors on pea aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) reproduction. Environmental Entomology 38: 962-970.
- Cuddington, K., Wilson, W., and A. Hastings. (2009) Ecosystem engineers: Feedback and population dynamics. American Naturalist 173: 488-498.
- DeValpine, P., Cuddington, K., Hoopes, M., and J. Lockwood. (2008) Is spread of invasive species regulated? Using ecological theory to interpret statistical analysis. Ecology 89:2377-2383.
- Hastings, A., Byers, J., Crooks, J., Cuddington, K., Jones, C., Lambrinos, J., Talley, T., and W. Wilson. (2007) Ecosystem engineering in space and time. Ecology Letters 10:153-164.
- Zimmerman, C., and K. Cuddington. (2007) Ambiguous, circular and polysemous: Students' definitions of the "Balance of Nature" metaphor. Public Understanding of Science 16: 393-406.
- Byers, J., Cuddington, K., Jones, C., Talley, T., Hastings, A., Lambrinos, J., Crooks, J., and W. Wilson. (2006) Using ecosystem engineers to restore ecological systems. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 21: 493-500.
- Green, J.L., Hastings, A., Arzberger, P., Ayala, F., Cottingham, L., Cuddington, K., Davis, F., Dunne, J., Fortin, M.J., Gerber, L., and M. Neubert. (2005) Complexity in ecology and conservation: Mathematical, statistical, and computational challenges. BioScience 55:501-510.
- Hastings, A., Cuddington, K., Dugaw, C., Elmendorf, S., Freestone, A. Harrison, S. Holland, M., Lambrinos, J. Malvadkar, R. Melbourne, B. Moore, K. Taylor, C., and D. Thomson. (2005) The spatial spread of invasions: new developments in theory and evidence. Ecology Letters 8:91-101.
- Cuddington, K., and A. Hastings. (2004) Invasive engineers. Ecological Modelling 178: 335-347.
- Beisner, B., Haydon, D.T., and K. Cuddington. (2003) Alternative conceptions of alternative stable states in ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1: 376-382.
- Cuddington, K., and P. Yodzis. (2002) Predator-prey populations and movement in fractal environments. American Naturalist 160: 119-134.
- Cuddington, K. (2001) The “Balance of Nature” metaphor and equilibrium in population ecology. Biology & Philosophy 16: 463-479.
- Cuddington, K., and P. Yodzis. (2000) Diffusion-limited predator-prey dynamics in Euclidean environments: An allometric individual-based model. Theoretical Population Biology 58: 259-278.
- Cuddington, K., and P.R. Leavitt. (1999) An individual-based model of pigment flux in lakes: Implications for organic biogeochemistry and paleoecology. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56: 1964-1977.
- Cuddington, K., and P. Yodzis. (1999) Black noise and population persistence. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 266: 969-973.
- Forbes, M.R., Alisauskas, R.T., McLaughlin, J.D., and K.M. Cuddington. (1999) Explaining co-occurrence among helminth species of lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens) during their winter and spring migration. Oecologia 120: 613-620.
- Cuddington, K., and E. McCauley. (1994) Food-dependent aggregation and mobility of the water fleas Ceriodaphnia dubia and Daphnia pulex. Canadian Journal of Zoology 72:1217-1226.
Chapters in Books
- Cuddington, K. (2012). Ecosystem Engineers. In Hastings, A., and L. Gross (eds.) Encyclopedia of Theoretical Ecology. University of California Press. p. 230-234.
- Beisner, B.E., Haydon, D., and K.M. Cuddington (2008). Ecological Models: Hysteresis. In Jorgensen, S.E. and B.D. Fath (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Ecology, 1st Edition, Elsevier. p. 1930-1935.
- Cuddington, K. (2007) Ecosystem engineering: Utility, contention and progress. In Cuddington, K., Byers, J., Hastings, A., and W. Wilson (eds.) Ecosystem engineers: Plants to protists. Elsevier/Academic Press p. 69-74,
- Buchman, N., Cuddington, K., and J. Lambrinos. (2007) A historical perspective on ecosystem engineering. In Cuddington, K., Byers, J., Hastings, A., and W. Wilson (eds.) Ecosystem engineers: Plants to protists. Elsevier/Academic Press p. 25-46.
- Cuddington, K., and A. Hastings. (2007). Balancing the engineer-environment equation: the current legacy. In Cuddington, K., Byers, J., Hastings, A., and W. Wilson (eds.) Ecosystem engineers: Plants to protists. Elsevier/Academic Press. p. 253-273.
- Sabo, J. L., Beisner, B., Berlow, E. , Cuddington, K., Hastings, A., Kokkoris, G., Koen-Alonso, M., McCann, K., Melian, C., and J. Moore. (2005) Population dynamics and food web structure: Predicting measurable food web properties with minimal detail and resolution. In deRuiter, P. C., Moore, J. C., and V. Wolters (eds.). Dynamic Food Webs: Multispecies assemblages, ecosystem development, and environmental change. Academic Press. p. 436-450.
- Beisner, B. and K. Cuddington. Why a history of ecology? An Introduction. In Cuddington, K., and B. Beisner (eds.) (2005). Ecological Paradigms Lost: Routes to Theory Change. Elsevier/Academic Press. p. 1-6.
- Cuddington, K and B. Beisner. (2005) Kuhnian paradigms Lost: Embracing the Pluralism of Ecological Theory. In Cuddington, K., and B. Beisner (eds.) Ecological Paradigms Lost: Routes to Theory Change. Elsevier/Academic Press. p. 419-426.
- Cuddington, K., and M. Ruse (2004). Darwin, biodiversity and the fossil record. In Oksanen, M., and J. Pietarinen (eds.) Philosophy and Biodiversity. Cambridge University Press. p. 101-118.
- Cuddington, K., Byers, J., Hastings, A. and W. Wilson (eds.) (2007). Ecosystem engineers: Plants to protists. Elsevier/Academic Press.
- Cuddington, K. and B. Beisner (eds.) (2005). Ecological Paradigms Lost: Routes to Theory Change. Elsevier/Academic Press.
Other Publications
- Cuddington, K., Currie, W., and M. Koops. Risk of Asian carp establishment in the Great Lakes. Part 1: Spawning probabilities, and Part 2: Probability of establishment. In: Currie WJS, KMD Cuddington, TJ Stewart, H Zhang and MA Koops. 2011. Modelling Spread, Establishment and Impact of Bighead and Silver Carps in the Great Lakes. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. RES2011/113.